Hypothyroidism is a problem that slows the metabolism, heat and energy that the body produces. This is what reduces the amount of calories being burned and makes it incredibly difficult to loose weight.
Not all people with hypothyroidism gain weight, but it is usually one of the symptoms. Thyroid hormones not only play a significant role in metabolism, but a lack of these hormones (hypothyroidism) can result in fluid retention.
Now a major problem if you're trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism is that many of these diets that people are out there doing actually slow your metabolism even further. The key is to focus on your complete health when you have multiple problems you're dealing with. Because every area of your life that you make healthier will indirectly booster up those problems and restore you.
A blood test will help you diagnose the problem as being hypothyroidism, but there are other options such as at home tests.
In fact, even when the test aren't positive, doctors can still attribute weight gain to the thyroid as "sub-clinical" meaning that it's not a big problem but the thyroid is a little sluggish and is adding to the weight problem.
For Women...
Women are especially prone to this hypothyroidism and weight gain. This is because of the many hormonal fluctuations a woman experience such as pregnancies, menstruation, menopause and premenopause. These hormonal problems don't even have to affect thyroid either, they can cause hypothyroidism by affecting the brain and the pituitary gland which signal to the thyroid to produce it's hormones.
Something can also be said about women tending to internalize stress more than men, as stress can affect adrenal hormones and then the thyroid.
Not all people with hypothyroidism gain weight, but it is usually one of the symptoms. Thyroid hormones not only play a significant role in metabolism, but a lack of these hormones (hypothyroidism) can result in fluid retention.
Now a major problem if you're trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism is that many of these diets that people are out there doing actually slow your metabolism even further. The key is to focus on your complete health when you have multiple problems you're dealing with. Because every area of your life that you make healthier will indirectly booster up those problems and restore you.
A blood test will help you diagnose the problem as being hypothyroidism, but there are other options such as at home tests.
In fact, even when the test aren't positive, doctors can still attribute weight gain to the thyroid as "sub-clinical" meaning that it's not a big problem but the thyroid is a little sluggish and is adding to the weight problem.
For Women...
Women are especially prone to this hypothyroidism and weight gain. This is because of the many hormonal fluctuations a woman experience such as pregnancies, menstruation, menopause and premenopause. These hormonal problems don't even have to affect thyroid either, they can cause hypothyroidism by affecting the brain and the pituitary gland which signal to the thyroid to produce it's hormones.
Something can also be said about women tending to internalize stress more than men, as stress can affect adrenal hormones and then the thyroid.
For me bovine thyroid capsule is getting my own thyroid to start producing rather than just supplementing. I am working with my chiropractor and am getting great results.