There are several things to see when it comes to the thyroid. Blood tests are more accurate and reliable to evaluate thyroid function. Many doctors discuss only some aspects of thyroid function, implying that the other glands and systems are working properly. A thyroid blood test or a thyroid panel shall contain the information to determine whether primary thyroid dysfunction, malfunction or other peripheral glandular system / should be evaluated. A thyroid blood test should include the following:
The thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland that signals the thyroid to produce more T4. A state of hypothyroidism may have low range, normal or border, where sometimes the failure of the pituitary or hypothalamus. TSH can be used to determine primary hypothyroidism, but can not be used alone to screen for hypothyroidism. Even if the TSH is a useful tool in detecting the amount of suppression of TSH does not always show the severity of hyperthyroidism.
TSH levels may be influenced by several prescription drugs, including glucocorticoids such as prednisone, and dopamine, which exist in some anti-depressants. TSH may also be affected by chronic diseases.
The use of TSH to evaluate thyroid function, you are assuming that the triangle hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid is working properly.
Total T4
Give the amount of T4 to plasma proteins and free T4. T4 is the main hormone produced and secreted by the thyroid gland.
T3 Uptake
Indirect measurement of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). This is a measure of protein binding sites in the thyroid, which are unsaturated. This point of view, if you have a high overall efficiency of the T4. If the total T4 and T3 are different from the introduction, and inversely proportional to it is due to changes in binding capacity, if not indicate another change in thyroid function.
T3 uptake is low during pregnancy and estrogen use external
Free thyroxine index (T7/FTI)
T7 = T3 x T4 total Uptake/100
Free T3
This usually remains unchanged, although the increase in total T3 and binding proteins
Total T3 (triiodothyronine)
Measure amount of T3 in serum. Total T3 is increased in most cases of hyperthyroidism and usually increases before the T4: making it a more sensitive measure of hyperthyroidism. T3 will be low in cases of acute illness and hunger, and may be affected by various medications. T3 usually remains constant when binding proteins are affected.
Reverse T3
RT3 has a bioactivity very limited. It is a path for the disposal of T4. Stress increases hunger and RT3. Hypothyroidism decreases RT3 and T3.
Which includes the thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibody test antithyroid microsomal or TPO antibodies. Hashimoto thyroid antibodies show high micosomal and Grave will be high thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin. Microsomal thyroid antibodies can also be used to predict sub clinical hypothyroidism, which can develop into a full hypothyroidism.
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