During the years of iodine has been removed from our food, mostly baked goods. The salt used in bread has iodine in it, but was withdrawn after a study, Wolff Chaikoff said potentially dangerous amounts of iodine between 2.3 mg for two weeks and actually decreased the ability of the thyroid uptake iodine. The latest research shows that higher levels of iodine can be tolerated and helpful, and iodine can be harmful depending on the form. The organic form is toxic and radioactive and is used as a contrast medium in radiographic studies. The inorganic form is available in two forms, the oxidized form of iodine and is the reduced form is iodine.
The thyroid can record and concentrate iodine. Breast tissue is another area where the iodine can be concentrated. It has been shown that breast tissue is protected against the harmful effects of estrogens by competitive inhibition of receptors for it. A typical traditional Japanese diet will average 13.8 mg of iodine per day, and Japanese women have a very low incidence of breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease, even. Understand that this can be only one aspect of reducing the incidence of these conditions.
Related to the thyroid, iodine is used to synthesize thyroid hormone. The typical American diet is very low iodine and there are large fibrocystic disease, breast cancer and hypothyroidism. Instead of iodine in the body, the U.S. population has been exposed to halides and halogens to compete with iodide and iodine binding sites, respectively. This can be a bad thyroid hormone causes the thyroid to produce thyroid condition, and replacement therapy is only a short-term benefit.
As late as 2009, Australia has mandated the use of iodine in the body it is important to maintain and develop the brain tissue.
Some common characteristics of iodine in the human body include:
• Check thyroid hormone
• Identify abnormal cells in the body
• Detoxifies chemicals
• Regulation autoimmune protein that helps to be non-reactive to the immune system
Be careful and consult your doctor before taking iodine supplements. There are many cases of hypothyroidism with iodine supplements are actually making conditions worse. Please always consult a qualified health professional authorized to initiate or continue the first of iodine supplementation.
I take 2 grains of desiccated thyroid. I do not swallow it whole, I let it melt under my tongue to become more readily absorbed. I have more energy, am losing weight and no more fatigue.