Thyroxine (T4) and Trilodothyronine (T3) are produced by the thyroid gland and are essential for growth and development of the human body. T3 and T4 regulate the body's metabolic rate, nervous system and heart function.
The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands, and weighs between 15 and 20gms. Shape is a bit 'like a butterfly with two lobes connected to a thin strip of tissue. Thyroid disorders are the most common diseases affecting the endocrine system. Studies have shown that the developed countries, between 3 and 4 per cent of the population suffers from thyroid problems. Generally, women are more prone to thyroid problems, and because thyroid function decreases with age, is more common in postmenopausal women.
Main function of the thyroid to absorb iodine in food and convert it to T3 and T4. The cells of the thyroid gland are the only ones that can absorb iodine and if not functioning properly, the body has no system redundancy to support this work. The iodine cells are mixed with an amino acid called tyrosine to produce T3 and T4 are released into the bloodstream which transports them through the body.
Every cell in your body depends on thyroid hormones to control metabolism. The production of these hormones by the thyroid gland is healthy in the ratio of 80% to 20% of T4 T3. But this difference in volume offset by the fact that T3 is "stronger" of the two hormones.
Functioning thyroid gland is called the pituitary gland in the second. This is a small gland about the size of peanuts and is located in the lower part of the brain. When the pituitary gland in mind that the levels of T4 and T3 in the blood are too low level to control the body's metabolism, produces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid to produce more T4 and T3. When the production of T4 and T3 are increased and their concentration in the blood has reached the required level, the pituitary senses this and reduces the production of TSH which in turn reduces the stimulation of the thyroid gland and thus the production of T4 and T3 .
The pituitary in turn is regulated by the hypothalamus, located elsewhere in the brain. The hypothalamus produces releasing TSH hormone that allows the pituitary gland to produce TSH if necessary.
If all this sounds complicated, the best way to understand the pituitary gland is seen as a kind of thermostat as an air conditioner and T4 and T3 than cold air. Like the thermostat cuts in the room gets too hot and increases the flow of cold air, cuts in the pituitary, where the rate of T4 and T3 in the blood is too low. And like the thermostat turns off when the room is cold enough, the pituitary turns off when the level of T4 and T3 in the blood reaches the appropriate levels. Using the same analogy, we look to the hypothalamus as the hand that gives the thermostat and decide which are the minimum and maximum temperatures (or levels of T4 and T3) that are needed.
In addition, insufficient intake of iodine, another factor that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland is the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere. Scientific tests have shown that continuous exposure to toxic chemicals and metals into the atmosphere, which can be absorbed into the body, can alter thyroid function.
The symptoms of thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) are:
- The weakness and general fatigue
- The dry, rough skin, often accompanied by itching
- I slow or slurred
- Edema (swelling or heaviness) of the eyelid
Weight gain -
- Language thick
- Cold and / or clammy skin
- Less than normal levels of sweating
An overactive thyroid usually shows itself, the following symptoms:
- Fatigue and general loss of energy
- Leave the body, particularly the members
- Agitation
- Unusual thirst
- An intolerance to heat or unusual heat
- Increase the rate of transpiration
- Trembling Language
Profile of thyroid hormone is to test how well the thyroid to produce T3 and T4. This test is easy to complete comfort of the patient at home. The test measures the amount of free unbound hormone, or use the basket, "your metabolism and give a true picture of the metabolic function of the body.
Once it has received an application from a physician, a person can buy thyroid hormone profile test kit from a pharmacy or order online from a manufacturer. Although each manufacturer has a set of their own design, the fundamentals of the event remains the same. The kits come with detailed instructions on how the test should be performed. All that is really needed is a little generous with the blood and the kit contains everything needed to obtain and store test.
Sample can be taken at any time of day and there are no restrictions, which require both a fasting or eating a certain period before the sample. The only restriction is that the test should not be taken by anyone with blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia, or those taking anticoagulant drugs such as anticoagulants, or even those who regularly use aspirin for other medical reasons. If a person with one of these problems requires a test should be done under medical supervision.
A blood sample is stored in a container with a kit and sent to the manufacturer, directly or by a physician, according to company policy, which makes the blood test and returns the results. Again, depending on the company, the results are usually a week to ten days. When the results obtained, the doctor may advise the patient the type of treatment may be necessary.
For more information on the department you can go to a holistic health professional
Helena Ederveen is an Associate Member Australasian College Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, clinical nutritionist, certified Master NLP and hypnosis practitioner Eriksonian, Judge. 25 years of experience. Are you serious to find your own individual level of health? Free "health plan" of evaluation.
My own health is what led me to become highly qualified as a practitioner of holistic health.
In 2002 I was involved in examining the eyes completely different disease profiles. It 'deepened my knowledge of some technologies for the scientific laboratory, which can be determined, and suggests how to solve health inequalities before maturity real disease.
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